Carer Friendly
Watsonia Neighbourhood House is an accredited Carer Friendly House.
Designed in partnership with Carers Victoria, the Carer Friendly program makes neighbourhood houses more informed, compassionate and inviting spaces for Victoria’s carers.
Carers are ordinary people who attend to the diverse needs of family or friends with disability, terminal illness, long lasting injury or mental health issues.
We offer programs and activities specifically designed to support carers.
Gambler's Help
Watsonia Neighbourhood House has been on a gambling harm minimisation program. Banyule Council provided us with funding to extend our opening hours and provide alternative spaces for community members for social inclusion activities.
Social inclusion activities can reduce gambling harm by addressing the factors that contribute to problem gambling, such as social isolation, loneliness, and financial stress. By providing opportunities for social connection, individuals who are vulnerable to problem gambling can build stronger social networks and develop a sense of belonging and purpose. This can lead to improved mental health and well-being, and decreased risk of developing a gambling problem.
You can receive support from Gamblers Help at Banyule Community Health
25–33 Grimshaw Street
Greensborough, Victoria 3088
Telephone: 1300 133 445
Email: ghnintake@bchs.org.au

Volunteering is a great way to connect with and contribute to your local community, learn new skills and make friends. It can also help to build self confidence when job seeking and our positions satisify Centrelink's voluntary work requirements.
Our committed team of volunteers assist the running of the House in a fun and social atmosphere. Come and join us!
If you would like to volunteer, please contact us 9434 6717
Community Cupboard
Our Community Cupboard has essential items for those in need, topped up when we get donations.
We have a donation tub on the porch, or contact us for larger donations.

Community Garden
We are surrounded by beautiful gardens for our community to enjoy. Our native garden includes a dry creek bed and rocks for exploring, a majestic gum (home to many local birds), lots of garden seating and accessible walkways for our community to enjoy all year round. We have raised wicking beds growing a range of herbs and vegetables, from which the community are welcome to help themselves. Our cottage garden is a pretty and relaxing space surrounded by roses and flowers and is a perfect spot to have a cuppa. Our community gardens are wonderful spaces to gather, share and learn and volunteers are always welcome to assist in the maintenance of the garden.
Recharge Point
If you use an electric wheelchair or scooter and you are out and about and you find yourself low on power all you need do is call into Watsonia Neighbourhood House and ask to “RECHARGE”, we will be only to happy to help you out.

We have recently updated our WiFi and the coverage is amazing. Bring your own device and utilise this service from within the house and garden.
Community Lunch Recipes
Download our collection of community lunch recipes, cooked and served at Watsonia Neighbourhood House,
right here.

Little Library
We have recently updated our WiFi and the coverage is amazing. Bring your own device and utilise this service from within the house and garden.
Local Support Service
Watsonia Neighbourhood House has several resources available in the community for you to access.
Click here